Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Went for counselling today. I dont care who knows, but it makes you think, why do some people need counselling, while others can get away with drifting through life without thinking deeply? Or maybe people do think deeply, but can still agree with what they've been taught over the years and not have to question everything and come from a new perspective... mmm.
All that I want to say is that people ARE going to question what they have been taught, and when they do, please dont judge them for it. Rather, it would be a good idea to ask them their opinion and have a chat with them over your differences. Give them your opinion with a good argument behind it, and if they have any sense, (which the 'thinkers and questioners' mainly will) you'll find that they may listen to you.
Also try and understand where they are coming from. They may have just as good an argument as you. Listen to them, you might learn something new.
And I no that I'd much rather learn something new than pigeonhole people.
Just a thought.


Brass Baboon said...

I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment. I believe strongly that we need to be able to analyse and question what we are told and even what we know.

Now I'm no modernist to say we can treat everything from a neutral perspective or something like that. Because that isn't possible.

One sad thing I have sometimes seen in Christian circles is an aversion to questioning the 'traditions/doctrines'. We are handed them on the authority of the church/God and that should be enough.

Myself, I've more and more come to reanalyse stuff I've been taught and accepted since way back. This has helped me affirm that yes, it stacks up. Yes it makes sense. Yes it is powerful. In many cases, I find the truth to be MORE powerful etc than I was taught! Sometimes doctrines can be limiting.

Anyhoo. Yeh. 1 vote here for questioning.

However, one must be careful how ya go about it really.

Brass Baboon said...

And as NT Wright says ( a dude who Im just starting to read), Christians often try to shortcircuit the argument and leap onto it before hearing it out. I believe (though often don't do it) we should hear it through before making a judgement and replyal. Overall everybody gets more from it...


Scratch said...

Mmm. It's really food for thought huh. But it's such a pity that in our school (my veiw is limited as I havent really seen that much of the world)people who come up with different or new ideas are shunned or made fun of. That is one thing that really pisses me off.
Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.