Sunday, May 4, 2008

White hot anger
Frothing and foaming,
Beware those who stand in my way.

A bomb of blood.
Which wire to cut?
Blue or red?

A smouldering fire of hate
I'm ready to pour
Petrol on.

Bubbling and boiling
A whole cauldron of rage
Ready to tip
Or overflow.

Runaway horse, gallops to destroy
Bonds, family, love.
It cant be controlled.

I try not to get angry,
But it overwhelms me,
Piling red hot tenticles of hate
Inside my skull

Why do I get so angry
At the things I love most?
Why so savage, so aggressive...
And why cant I control it?
I need to get behind the wheel.

I'm going to loose it
At people I love,
And when I do,
I'm sorry.


Brass Baboon said...


I like. Feels very disjointed but I think that supports the theme quite nicely.

Scratch said...
