Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bound and tied to the tracks
Train thundering closer
Seeming to pick up speed
As it gets nearer.

Nowhere to go,
Nowhere to run.
You're stuck with you
And your dying wish,
But no one will listen.

Cry of desperation,
Scream of despair.
You'll take it all back
If they let you go.

But it's too late.

The sound of an iron bar
Hitting a wet side of meat.

You're divided in two,
Half being dragged
Half left behind.

Scarlet life clots
And death grows strong.

And it's too late.


Scratch said...

I'm not sure what this is about, whether there is hidden themes or not. It's based on a dream I had a couple of nights ago. Not pleasant. I can remember being dragged along by the train as I called something out. My calling was what woke me up. I dont think I got back to sleep for a long time...

Scratch said...

I can also remember the sound when the train hit me. That wet, fleshy sound. Aurgh, gross. It was a pretty disturbing dream. I cant remember why I was tied to the tracks. I think it was some form of punishment for something I had done. I'm straining my mind for something that I could do to deserve such an awful punishment... but nothing seems to pop up staight away for some weird (fishes) reason.

Scratch said...

Leave a comment if you have had sommat simmalar...