Sunday, November 30, 2008

She tucked her religion
Into the back of her pants
So people wouldn't notice

But it bit her on the bum.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I got a ***** shaped problem
Weighing on my heart.
He's complex and beautiful
But completely unaware.
Stylish white, blonde foils
Nice legs.
Her laugh is to his taste
A delicate bell.

Not some farmers hoot
Drunkards guffaw
Hyperventilating dolt,
But a sweet chuckle.

She caught my eye
But looked away.
She's better than me
And she knows it.

I wish you well, I really do
Please don't break his heart
Just break mine.
It's worth less.
"When we bleed, we bleed the same."

Muse - Absolution


Is like bubbles breaking on the surface of heaven.
"I am a moth
Just wants to share your light

I'm just an insect
Trying to get out of the night."

Radiohead - All I Need


Help me forget him
Help me baulk
Help me lose him
In this crowd.
I was about to give him
The only thing left untouched.

But the dream fell fell through.
Mine always do.
It just bounces off your skin
But mine is paper-thin.
"Your mouth only moves with some one's hand up your arse."
Radiohead - Bodysnatchers
Your'e an idiot.
Remember this every time
You want to call yourself a name,
Punch yourself
Or stoop so low
Your nose goes through the floor.
I love you.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I want to dream of happy things
Like fluffy ducks and fairy wings
Of rainbows and butterflies
Of candy canes, and bright blue skies.

I want my dreams to make me smile
And want to stay at least a while
I want to want to rush to sleep
And snuggle in that dream so deep.

But dreams are funny things you see
They don't listen to you or me
They drown your love or kill your cat
Harm the ones close, like Courts or Matt.

They give you super-powers, or a different face,
Or your psycho ex-boyfriend running all over the place.
They make you shiver and sweat, jolt and shake
They make your hurt increase, your body ache.

And they will carry on, your strength they'll seep
As long as you lay down to sleep.
So just be careful, the memories discard
And always remember, never take them to heart.
Anger covers my head
Haunts my dreams
Poking through the happiness
I've reached my depth.
Choker-chained and muzzled,
I cant control it.
Long time, no post.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cover up your smile in black
Lady luck wont come back
Throw a punch to shut him up
Backfired, looks like you rolled a one.
Come home, phone around
Hope at least one will come
I'll prove it here my only one
Find a new lady friend
Because I'm done.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Whitlams...
Yeah, that's about right