Monday, October 6, 2008

All that time
All that ink
All that love
Down the sink.


post-it said...

R.I.P solace

Scratch said...

Lest we forget...
Hey!! We should make up a song about his noble death??

Brass Baboon said...

so sad.

post-it said...

so so so so sad....i will miss reading him!

Scratch said...

Hardly. He is in a better place. but probably in several pieces.

post-it said...

make me cry then! gosh.

may we never forget those times so dim may we remeber him at the gowing down of the sun and the rising of the moon!

gollie i dont know the next line i am not even sure if those other ones are right! heheh

R.I.Pieces solace.

Scratch said...

I love it!! That is such a nice farewell.
Beloved Solace, your silence is golden. Now you can remain silent forever.... sigh.
Abi! Pull yourself together! -sigh- its a pity Solace cant.

bridge said...

hahaha i am sure solace has gone back to his tree frends.... his happy, not to mention his very happy tree frends! ummmm we will visit you solace just hit us up with your addy!