Friday, August 29, 2008

You're so hot!
You're like...
A foot.
I wish I could
Run round the world
And punch myself
In the back of the head.
You shot me down and I died for real
Sad stories of truth, sin and betrayal
Force their sorry way into my mind
Likened screams of disturbance and pain
Wracked his body again and again.
He's lost from view and lost from life
Stolen goods taken, and hidden inside
A dusty mind, shedding grace and emotion
Trickling with determination over rocky footing.
I cant stop the flow, it breaks through my fingers.
I hold to you for protection
But you have flowed with it,
Casting worries aside, smiling, yawning teeth wide.
"No problems here. Every thing's in order."
And you moved onwards and downwards
You shot me down, and I died for real.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I have a friend
Who does not judge.
He remembers my words
And repeats them innocently.

I have a friend
I confide in everyday.
I tell him everything
And he keeps wanting more.

I have a friend
Who follows me everywhere
And in the noisy classroom,
I write him quiet notes.

I have a friend
Who only listens.
My silent ear sharing
My secrets with me.

I have a friend
Dressed always in red.
And my devoted cased sidekick
I raise a tribute.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

You've got a long way to fall
But still you want
A taller horse.
I can't spend my time
Picking up your mess
The pieces of trouble
You leave everywhere.

I'm sick to death
Of hauling you around
You have two legs.
Stand on them.
What doesn't kill you
Will probably just come back
And kill you later.
Lying in death's dust
She cant pick herself up.
She's lost so much
And cried so hard
And it got her in the end.

First she was strong
It made her feel good;
But then it came back
And killed her.

Lying in death's dust
She cant pick herself up.
She's come so far
And gained so little,
But it got her in the end.
"Dont you see girl
The hand you hold
Is the hand
That holds you down?"

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I wish I had a lightsabre
Then I'd have no problems...

"Hey you! Get out the way!"
-Bzzzoauuuurgh- Not fast enough!

"You got a knife huh? Looky this!"
-Zzzrrring- Wanna fussy little boy?

I'd have no long-lasting problems,
I just -bbiccchhhhhzzz- and they're gone!
Paint a picture
To hang up underground
No one to see
No one to judge.
I'm trying to write this poem
But sommat's in the way
I little ginger and white cat
Keeps asking me to play.

I push him off the bed
Then carry on with my pen
But he'll just bounce right back
And hassle me again.

He'll crawl onto my lap
I just cant keep him off
Then suddenly grow tired
And leaves in his little huff.

He sits and sulks, eyes half shut
Tail wrapped around quiet paws
His amber eyes watch my every move
As he sits in the corner on the floor.

And then up once more, just one more time
He'll bounce onto my book.
He'll take the risk, and try again,
Cos he knows at heart I'm a sook.
"We dont fight half bad!
We are not thirteen!
You wait girl,
Till you got a good one.
Besides, no thirteen year old
Kisses like Sethie!"
The world's membrane
So thin, so delicate.
Be careful not to puncture it
With your finger.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

dear non-existent readers.

Apologies for lack of poetry. I know that many lives depend on my careful choice of words, and so I apologise for any loss of life I may have caused. But I am banned off the computer. So yea, despite the fact that I may put many of you at risk, Mum decided to ban me anyway. If you want to take this further, you can call the police. I don't suggest you don't. (Figure that out!)
And so I bid you adieu!
My latest hobby,
Standing in the doorways of classrooms and sandwiching anyone who slips through... good fun.
I think I might move on soon to giving people frights... in doorways of course!