Sunday, May 25, 2008

Burning forever in searing heat.
Black flesh peeling off white bones.
Screaming, screaming forever in agony,
With none to wet the tip of my tongue.

Clad in peaceful, shining white
Singing, forever singing to God.
Forgotten those not here among them.
Or not allowed to remember...

Friday, May 23, 2008

This may be my last post here.
I'm not too sure yet.
Will get some wise peoples advice.
Sliding into apathy
Dying in captivity...
But he can help.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


When the rain falls
Who will be inside
And who will stand out
To taste it?
"No I can't."

"Give it a go."

"I cant explain."

"Just try."

"I cant, it's too hard.
Tell you what.
Step inside my head,
Take a look around
And tell me what you find.
Turn left, and make two rights.
Push through the black veil
It wont be easy, but
You can do it.

"Head past the guilt
And shame
And onward to the end.
Not far now.

"Break through the secrets
And the evil intent
Break through the lies
And hidden pain.

"And there will you find it,
That 'amazing prize' that
You want so badly.
Bitter disappointment,
The finding is no joy
Or glory."

Sorry. I still cant explain.
Because I was determined not to be sucked in by myself or any other person into restarting my blog, I add with a bit of shame these new few poems. I couldn't help it. I HAVE to write poetry. I can't live without it. It's posting it that may make me guilty. Anyway, here we are.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Yeah, this one wasn't so good either...
So I biffed it too.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

These are all the thoughts in my head right now...
Yea i no. Busy huh? My brain is mush.
My own room
Has my own things
With my own pictures
And my own door
And I can choose who
Walks through my own door.

My own room
Has my own space
And my own desk
And my own draws...

And many thanks to you oh Esther, for taking that away from me.
What happens
When we go
And leave behind us
The tears and fears
Of this world?

Where do we go?

Is there The Man
Sitting and ready?
Or are we just left
To slumber in the dust
And never awake,
The soil that covers us
Never to be moved?

What will The Man say?
What will He do?
Will we go
On His right or on His left?
A sheep or a goat?

All these questions
That cant
And wont be answered,
By all except the one who knows.

Ask him nicely,
For Time will tell.
If You are there
And if You do care,
Then why cant I share
This faith in You?

But I'm in this mess
And You couldn't care less
While others You'll bless,
You'll watch and not care.

I want to serve You,
To beleive that You're true,
So my faith please renew,
Because all else seems pointless.
I hope he's coming
Just so I can say hi.
But I hope he stays home
So I cant stuff it up.
Bound and tied to the tracks
Train thundering closer
Seeming to pick up speed
As it gets nearer.

Nowhere to go,
Nowhere to run.
You're stuck with you
And your dying wish,
But no one will listen.

Cry of desperation,
Scream of despair.
You'll take it all back
If they let you go.

But it's too late.

The sound of an iron bar
Hitting a wet side of meat.

You're divided in two,
Half being dragged
Half left behind.

Scarlet life clots
And death grows strong.

And it's too late.
Wild gallop
Lost control
Swerve, and I
Loose my stirrups.

Hanging off one side
Cumbersome and heavy.
She bucks to be free
Then I smack turf.

If you fall off, get right back on.
One last ally
That stands tall.
I know I cant keep him,
He's gonna fall.

And untill then
I thank you friend
Though it would have been nice
To keep you till the end.
One tall, my queen
The other short, my favorite.
Do you know what I am talking about?
Well if I do I'm not telling.
Ask me when I'm in a better mood.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Went for counselling today. I dont care who knows, but it makes you think, why do some people need counselling, while others can get away with drifting through life without thinking deeply? Or maybe people do think deeply, but can still agree with what they've been taught over the years and not have to question everything and come from a new perspective... mmm.
All that I want to say is that people ARE going to question what they have been taught, and when they do, please dont judge them for it. Rather, it would be a good idea to ask them their opinion and have a chat with them over your differences. Give them your opinion with a good argument behind it, and if they have any sense, (which the 'thinkers and questioners' mainly will) you'll find that they may listen to you.
Also try and understand where they are coming from. They may have just as good an argument as you. Listen to them, you might learn something new.
And I no that I'd much rather learn something new than pigeonhole people.
Just a thought.


Grrrr. Dont you just hate it when you're in class, and there's a couple of bimbos holding up the whole thing and wasting time by being a couple of absolute dolts!? It drives me crazy!

Monday, May 5, 2008

This is a poem that Blair made fun of today, which I thought was quite amusing. Anyway:

Deer dart past
Limbs strenthend with spring.
Birds call overhead
Free, filled with song
That bursts unchecked
As the sun spreads it's golden blanket
Of light and warmth
On the soft folds of green.

This is my first attempt at a scenery poem. Cut me some slack ; - )
So much work
So many sheets
So confusing
Blow it all.
Correspondance sucks!
Happy 21st birthday Es. I hope you have a great day with lots of lollies n chippies n coke n sugar. I love you lots!
A perfect picture.
Clean limbed,

Flows like silk
While muscles ripple
Beaneath the golden coat.

All the room in the world to run.

Tail high
Blowing in the wind
Ears flat to head
Belly skimming the ground.

Then the leap.

Claws unsheath
As death awaits.
The deer hits the ground
And doesn't get up.

Beauty can be fatal,
Especially if it's in the form
Of a cheetah.
Do I do what they say?
Do I do good and submit?
Or should I do what seems fair?

Do I give in?
Walk down the isle
Like some stupid bride?

Injustice and favouratism.
He's biased.
She has no choice
But to agree.

What will happen if I do give in?
Will it be easier or harder?
I dont want to find out.
Drop off beneath the warm sheets
And slumber till it happens.

It happens.

The blare starts small and grows
Untill it penetrates your dreams.

Roll over
Push it off the desk.
Where it will scream
From the floor.

It's too warm to leave
So you push the button
Knowing the same will happen
Nine minutes later.

I am NOT a morning person!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

So quiet and serene,
Full of beauty and peace.
Just me and her.
No sound except
The beating of hooves
Creak of saddle and clink of stirrups
Click of the tounge and away we go
With speed and thrill
No machine can match.

I love my horse.
He's so close to me,
Yet I cant talk to him.
He's too far off.
White hot anger
Frothing and foaming,
Beware those who stand in my way.

A bomb of blood.
Which wire to cut?
Blue or red?

A smouldering fire of hate
I'm ready to pour
Petrol on.

Bubbling and boiling
A whole cauldron of rage
Ready to tip
Or overflow.

Runaway horse, gallops to destroy
Bonds, family, love.
It cant be controlled.

I try not to get angry,
But it overwhelms me,
Piling red hot tenticles of hate
Inside my skull

Why do I get so angry
At the things I love most?
Why so savage, so aggressive...
And why cant I control it?
I need to get behind the wheel.

I'm going to loose it
At people I love,
And when I do,
I'm sorry.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Black as thunder,
Mean at least
I'm the only one
Who'll ride this beast.

Hold the reins
But not too tight.
I hope he wont
Cos i'll loose this fight.

Head goes down
Mean eyes black,
Bucked me twice
I'm off his back.

It's always the second buck that throws you.
Plastic bowls and cups
Clinking at each table
Bellies growling in the morning
Asking to be fed.

Wait your turn,
But dont mind
Because friends are there
To wait with you.

Hubbub and chatter
Pleasant and light
All around the hall.
Wave to anyone
And they'll wave back.

We're all one massive family.
I guess that's why they call it
Family Camp!
When you start, you cant stop.
It gets a hold of you
And wont let go.
It's grip is so tight
I wont bother fight
Because I like it.

Writing till fingers bleed.

And with these bleeding fingers
I write all in my mind.

Writing is so free, so rich.
One of the last worthy
Skills left in the world...
Pity I'm no good.
Hiya all. My name is Abi and this is my blog... Pretty flash huh?
I Guess I should say sommat bou myself. Well, I'm about 5 foot 3,
a shocking speller, and a try hard poet. I like to write short
stories and ride horses. I have my own beautiful standardbred,
but would like to be able to buy another horse (one day).
Please excuse any misspellings and typos that will occur in this page.
Comments and advice are more than welcome (honestly).