Monday, January 26, 2009

Cast the lot
Take the shot
Aint all you got
Love him not.


Four legged
I wish
That was me
Lord, help me to be strong
And admit when I am wrong.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Little Sparrow

Tried to fly
But he died in my hands.
I swore I'd never love again.

A defiled spring
Unable to produce pure water
To quench anothers soul.

Is it possible
Oh, just that little chance
I could be purified again?

I swore I wouldn't keep love.

A broken cup
Unable to hold the warm blood
Of anothers heart.

But for the chance
Even if slim, to try again
Could I be repaired with love?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Every Little Piece

It's time to demand back
The pieces of my heart
I gave away a long time ago.
Exotic goo...

Monday, January 12, 2009


Watching my heart flow
Blood forming words

Sterilise it with alcohol
Burn it with smoke
Cut it till it lies in ribbons at your feet

But it still stays
Damaging the once white page

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A cloud of smoke
Hangs over my head.

Because I exhaled.