Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hurt is a beautiful thing.

Walking in the Shade

I'm not sure
If I'm missing the sun,
Or avoiding it.
"Did Satan create the world
When God was asleep?"
So I've got this problem.
His name is Gerry...
Promises broken
Warped and distorted.

Only the ring
Stays perfectly round.
Such a small line
But it meant so much.


Is a difficult thing to find
Especially when people keep asking you to dance.
The more I see of people
The more I like animals.
I still cant sleep.
I try counting sheep
But they always get away.
I keep feel
Like I'm being watched.

When I sleep
I wake with eyes open.

Cos I know
You're you're outside somewhere.


You hit me with your wake
And flipped me head oer heels.
But you left me fallen
And struggling to get up.

Then you noticed my sorrow
And turned back around.
You watched me wallow
But offered no hand.

Then your smile changed
And you looked plain cruel.
You grabbed my head
And held it under icy water.

You left me in tears.
You were my world.
I was hit by your loveshock.
I have never recovered.

Adaption of Something Forgotton


But behind nobody,
She reaches into the pockets of her mind
And finds only dust bunnies
And a piece of string.
Is it my imagination
Running away with me?
Or is he there behind me
Sleeping with his hands around my neck?

Was that him shifting position
And breathing against my neck?
Or was that my mind moving
And nothing but the wind?

Sometimes I wish he was there,
But even on the surface I know
He's not here, he never will be again,
And it's time to let him go.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No Pirate

Watches the rain for so long.

Enjoys solitary silence.

Planned and executed a double life.

Cries in the dark.

Dresses in black all day.

Stays so long on one guy.

Is so sensitive.

Keeps a poetry diary!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Theres nothing more funny
Than watching one of your friends
Accidentally asking out your teacher.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is she thinking?
Reaching into the pockets
Of her mind,
Looks for something
Else to hide.

Brought her up
To think like him,
But she let go
And moved away
Before he could.
He died
Again last night.
But I feel no anger,
Just sadness.
Clip Clopping
Smart as silk
She tosses her head
And arches her neck.

She's a blood bay
Red enough
To turn heads,
And she does.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Scraping the bottom of the barrel
You're tasting the dregs of life.

Monday, September 8, 2008

He moves like
The spring through winter,
Slicing through cold
With warm hands.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

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